Penelope was so close to death that it hurt to look at her photos when she was rescued in Los Angeles. The scars all over his body make you tremble and the sadness in his eyes just breaks your heart into a million pieces. He was so weak that he couldn't even bear the weight of his head. There was little hair left on his body and it was almost impossible to identify it as the wonderful mix of shepherds that had the potential to be.
After much food, rest, warm blankets, loving care and medical care, Penelope has become a completely different creature. It is surprising how it can be a second chance in life. Thank God that Penelope received this opportunity. It is now in adoption with the support of the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation. Founded in memory of Jason Heigl, who died after a tragic car accident, his legacy of compassion and love for all animals is still alive.
This Dog Was Abused And Left To Die. His Second Chance To Life Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes!
Reviewed by How to Reset a Nokia Lumia 520
September 13, 2019

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