Dogs are a gift to humanity. They have been with us for a long time and have helped humans progress in many different ways. They are social and highly trainable creatures. And this is a great combination. Because of their kindness and intelligence, we have used them for almost everything, from legal and military jobs to something as complex as therapy. Take, for example, the dog shown below.
This beautiful dog is called Pax and has been trained as a service dog to help veterans. He was adopted by wounded Iraqi veteran Bill Campbell, but was trained in a women's correctional center. One day, Bill decided to take the dog to visit the place where he had been trained for the first time. The dog knows exactly where it is as soon as it arrives. You will cry when you see that Pax finally meets his trainer.
They Took That Dog To Prison. But WHY They Did It Brought Tears To My Eyes
Reviewed by How to Reset a Nokia Lumia 520
September 13, 2019

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