In our house we have 3 cats and 1 dog (a Pekingese) and we love cats and dogs (we also have 5 turtles and 3 aquariums full of exotic fish). Suffice it to say that we are animal lovers!
So when I found this video, I had to share it. Start simple enough: the mother holds the baby and says: "I love you". You can see the puppy responding immediately. The feeling is definitely mutual!
But I wasn't prepared for the dog's response. Never in my life have I seen a dog do THIS! (Even if I admit it, some dogs have come closer!)
Some people will say that this dog is only parroting and imitating. Well, I don't know. Dogs are incredible, adorable and definitely smarter than most people understand.
Watch this video and tell us how you felt when you saw the response of this beautiful puppy. Have you had a similar experience? Share it! We want to know.
Make sure you share this video with your friends. Whether they are dog lovers or cat lovers or somewhere in the middle, more people know how extraordinary pets are, more kindly there will be in the world.
She Hugs Her Dog and Says ‘I Love You’. His Response? I Wasn’t Prepared For This!
Reviewed by How to Reset a Nokia Lumia 520
September 17, 2019
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